I've begun the Shedir hat from Knitty with some Lion Brand Microspun I've had hanging around for a while. This was a great opportunity to try a new technique - cabling without a cable needle. I have long put off trying this because it involves slipping live stitches off the needles, which seems like a ridiculous thing to do on purpose. It's every bit as annoying and fiddly and awkward as I expected, plus the yarn is slippery and splitty which makes it especially challenging. Still, it's not terrible and I think it's worth it for this project because of the sheer number of cables involved.
I wasn't sure if this hat was going to be for me or my mom (it IS a chemo cap, after all) but it felt a little tight when I tried it on so I think it will be for me. I'm kind of glad - I think it will be cute on me!
Nice hat. I made one a couple of years ago it was pretty fun. Are you bringing it to knit night?
A) I love the lion brand microspun. It is so soft, I would imagine it makes a great hat (*makes note to try it with that one skein I have hiding in the stash)
B) I know people who swear by cabling without a needle, say it's faster, and easier. I think I feel the same as you. Why would you deliberately slip live stitches off the needles? Beyond that, I must be doing it wrong or something, because it always looks messier than when I do it the "proper" way.
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