I am almost embarrassed that these took me so long. I started them in June! But as the weather got colder this past week I was disappointed at the number of hand-knit socks in my drawer so I was inspired to finish them up. I have plenty more sock yarn too, so hopefully I'll be filling my sock drawer with even more. The store bought ones simply don't compare.
These were knit from Artyarns Ultramerino using the Chevron pattern from Sensational Knitted Socks by Charlene Schurch. If I haven't said it before, this book is a must-own for sock knitters.
Having said that, I have to express my displeasure with the forethought heel. I suspected it wouldn't be worth the annoyance and fiddliness of creating it, and I was right. On the first sock, it created a hole on the side of the heel. Also, when I kitchener stitched the heel closed, it left an annoying little ear on the edge. I managed to make the second one come out better, but I still prefer the good ol' heel-flap-and-gusset technique. I remain curious about other heel constructions, though, so I'll definitely keep trying them out as I find them.