But, I have finished and blocked the back of my Marseilles pullover, and started on the front.

After the aforementioned futile quests for dk weight alpaca yarn, I placated myself with some Madelinetosh and started what is sure to be the cutest sock in the world.

I love both the purpley berry yarn and the Leyburn Sock pattern. They were made for each other.
This week I've been eating very healthy meals, such as the Layered Salad from Mark Bittman's Food Matters. (Have I mentioned that I am a little bit in love with Mark Bittman?)

I've also spent way too much time managing interspecies relations.

Poor Clarence. He has never quite understood why we brought home this strange long-eared eggplant-shaped animal. Nor have I, come to think of it.
I have even managed to do a bit of socializing with actual human beings, though I haven't found the time to watch Pride & Prejudice, which was originally the most important part of my vacation plan. It has turned out pretty nice and relaxing for the most part though. I could very happily never go back to work.
Those blocking boards look AWESOME! Are those measuring lines along the side? AMAZING!
You are so lucky!
I read an even more annoying fake word in the Globe:
"mompreuner" Stop the madness!
Oh no. There are enough words already - and plenty that we hardly ever use. No need to make up more!
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