Can you tell that one of the socks has one more pattern repeat on the foot? I’m not sure how I screwed that up considering I counted to make sure. But I wasn’t about to rip back and re-do it and get it right because the important thing is that the socks are done and I can move on with my life. I mean, they are totally wearable after all.
Pattern: Sweetheart Socks by Chrissy Gardiner, from Interweave Knits Holiday Gifts 2007
Yarn: Regia, 2 skeins
Needles: Addi Turbos size 0
Started: January 22
Finished: June 24
Last weekend I was supposed to go camping but it rained, so I was left with a 4-day weekend and no plans. So after finishing up these socks I devoted some time to darning holes in a few others. Not as fun as camping, but I did make some s'mores in my kitchen. Hopefully by fall I’ll have a whole drawer full of wearable socks.
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