Tuesday, September 12, 2017

Top ten books I read the first year I had my blog

Top Ten Tuesdays are hosted at The Broke and the Bookish. I feel like I haven't done one of these in a while! They were on hiatus for a bit, and I've just been very busy/tired/lazy and sometimes the topics haven't appealed to me. This week's topic is a throwback freebie. One of the ideas was Ten Books I Loved During the First Year I Started My Blog. I really like that idea!

These are all books I read in 2007 and loved, in the order that I read them.

1. Great Expectations by Charles Dickens

2. The Basic Eight by Daniel Handler

3. The Double Bind by Chris Bohjalian

4. Sunshine by Robin McKinley

5. Firmin by Sam Savage

6. The Road by Cormac McCarthy

7. The Giant's House by Elizabeth McCracken

8. A Secret History by Donna Tartt

9. Truth and Beauty by Ann Patchett

10. Life As We Knew It by Susan Beth Pfeffer

Fun fact: when I started this blog it was primarily going to be about knitting and librarianship. I hardly posted about books at all! A couple of these were mentioned in passing in posts on other topics, but only one had a full post devoted to it.

The complete list of books I read in 2007 is here. (Thank goodness I was doing that from the very beginning!) What an amazing reading year that was! It was HARD to narrow down this list. There were so many other great books by some of my favorite authors, like Tom Perrotta and Nick Hornby. Wow. The books on the list are not just books I loved, but ones that I still consider favorites, and in most cases really want to read again.

That was a fun trip down memory lane!


Katie Fitzgerald said...

Life As We Knew It was such a great book. I never did finish that series, but I still think about that book sometimes! My post for today is Old School Kidlit Favorites Through the Decades.

Literary Feline said...

The Road was such an amazing book. It was one of my favorites the year I read it. I haven't yet read any of the other books you mention, although there a few I would like to read eventually. Particularly The Double Bind and The Secret History. Thank you for sharing!

Lindsay said...

I've only read one book from your list, "The Road," and I had mixed feelings about it. I definitely want to read "The Secret History" and something by Ann Patchett, though!

It's funny, my blog has changed a lot over the years as well. I used to write more about everyday stuff -- the hike we took, the cake I baked -- plus knitting and books and fashion (I used to do this thing called What I Wore Wednesday which required lots of outfit photos). Now it's MUCH more book-centric, and I kind of want to get back to a more broad range of topics!